Bleeding heart

They say there is beauty
in pain-
and I believe them...

for there are pages
and pages of beauty I have left exposed-
on paper...
or not yet composed...

for my heart holds poems that even I cannot write.

But what they do not say or understand...
is that this pain has been my friend
for so long-

has been the art that I hang on these walls...
hidden behind the closed doors of my chest...
pinned to my

So close
that I cannot tell
the difference between pain and me.

And when that pin
decides it is time-
for this heart to bleed or heal (what is the difference)...

it bleeds.
Flows so furiously slow down the vein of my heart and through this pen...

So much a part of me 
that I cannot tell
where poetry ends and I begin.

I am afraid.

I am afraid if I release this pain from my blood-
unpin this pain from my heart...
that this most trusted friend will finally leave me-

taking with it all the stories from my pages...

Don't you see?
I have to keep it.

December 14th, 2018