Wild honeysuckle

I remember the warmth
of so many summer suns...
waking us in the dawn-
the grass wet with the dew of the morning
and I could smell the flowers blooming in the soil.

We climbed and lived in trees-
as we walked the world away...
we wandered
through fragrant woods,
over riverbeds
and inside mountains-
where we touched the earth at the edge of the sky.

I remember
those soulful whispers
as we kept our conversations hushed... 
under weeping willows...
the taste of honeysuckle on your lips.

Pale skin washed
with amber splashed sunsets-
as we talked the hours away
like shadows from the fading sun.
Where promises linger on a mossy shade of branches
and of leaves...
and I remember
...the taste of wild honeysuckle...


"Wild Honeysuckle" was featured in the Bohemian Collective Magazine